Friday, 21 August 2009

putting hommage!

Recently one mister Samson posted this on my holy and sacred wall of pan.

"gossip aiya, i heard through the grapevine that you are actually gay and that you fancy isuru malli. this is why you dislike your wife so much and you never actually show us a picture of her, but you show one of isuru malli. quite a few people are talking about how you like it from this true?"

Now gossip aiya tired of all these buttock warts telling telling euridays that i am the homa (op the bent wariety, latin term homo sapian). Just because i am not doing daily dirty things with the wipe (better to do dirty things to a bees nest) does not meaning i am not liking the womans. In pact the other day i went on the internet and saw not one or two but three womans doing unmenshunable things to each other with the aid op warious neparious pruits (and wegetables) and all sorts of electrical applienses. My goat bunda!!! All this was highly ‘uplifting’ to be saying the leastest. Also last week I was putting hire to nice looking young lady in wery rewealing top. So rewealing in pact it rewealed that she had porgottan to put the inside underwear. Ammataudu euritime going ower pothole jiggling jiggling like two jally puddings. So Gossip Aiya put detour opp the main road telling i know short the cut, and went on ol ismall bumpy bumpy roads putting looks into side mirror at eury opportunity. Almost crashed tree wheel into bullock cart also while looking. Imagine hauing to explain that to wipe!

So this should be proving that i am indeed istraight like lasith malingas bowling arm (not like thats soththa harbajahn sing).

Also you telling some garbage about not putting pictorials op wipe. There is two reasons popr this. Pirst reason is whenewer I am coming near wipe with anything resembling camara, she taking cooking ispoon and coming apter me telling 'don't bring those evil eye mashines into our house'. She must be the knowing how ugly she is, that why she doing such things. Other reason i am not ewen taking hora pictorials op wipe and putting up is that ip i show you picture of wipe your junior samson might shrivel up and go into hibernation, therepore i do not show.

Now gossip aiya is vary modern person and sees nothing wrong with people who are like to bat for the opposite teams, but i is very iscared op them. I am so iscared that one day isuru malli called me a ‘homa probe’ (or something similar) and i gave him one nice patas slap just because i thought it sounded a bit wrong side. I am so iscared of the such peoples that everytime i am istanding up and not sitting in tree wheel i am keeping plank of flywood board across my backside to ensure that my sacred anal shrine is not violated by any brown nosed mongooses.

So dear Samson, i hope your queshchun hau been answered and in puture would advice you to think with your head rather than your buttock before asking silly queshchuns. Dam hooligan. I would advice all pans to urinate in sili sili bags and send to said individual so that he will learn lesson of not insulting poor innocent pellows like Gossip Aiya. In conclushun i would like to wish that the flease of the thousand camel infest your nether regions and your hands are too short to pluck them off.

Dishum Dishum
Gossip Aiyah!


  1. "i am keeping plank of flywood board across my backside to ensure that my sacred anal shrine is not violated by any brown nosed mongooses."

    You're such a legend, Gossip Aiya!

    & tell that soththa bugger to go stuff a coconut up his 'shrine'!

  2. "In conclushun i would like to wish that the flease of the thousand camel infest your nether regions and your hands are too short to pluck them off."

    Hahaha.. That is one hell of a curse!! :D

  3. "I would advice all pans to urinate in sili sili bags and send to said individual so that he will learn lesson of not insulting poor innocent pellows like Gossip Aiya."

    HAHAHAHA. Indeed. :P

  4. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA!!! OMG HAHA.... really you know how to prove you are straight in the funniest of ways... :)

  5. no offense man, but this kinda proves nothing :D i'd say the only way to go about this is a week of solitary confinement with sylvester stallone and an HD camera

  6. i agree. i think the trishaw driver doth protest too much..

  7. what a nice way of saying that you are straight..dishum dishum to the bugger who told u that gossip ayya...anyways why dont u try to divorce your wife?
